Join the mission

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Application details:

Connect With Other Green Minds

This project will have you working with other students, from both universities involved, to gain a holistic view of sustainability in off-grid systems and historically rich areas.

Learn New Skills

With so many aspects of living and building on this project, there are local professionals, university professors, and even your student peers to inform you of new skills and knowledge.

"This opportunity has allowed me to learn about sustainable living and the effects it has on the environment and local communities. This is more than an internship but a space to become a better person and give back to others. I've been able to connect with people from different backgrounds and majors, creating relationships that will have a lasting impact on me. It's a time of learning and reflecting, applying skills, and collaborating with others. Truly has been a positive experience for me."

-Imani Harden (from cohort 2)